Do you play baseball, volleyball, tennis, LaCrosse, swim, etc.? If so, your sport demands overhead motion that is very demanding on the shoulder complex. This demand requires a stable shoulder complex with strong muscles and control. Injuries in the shoulder complex are some of the most common injuries in sports and require special knowledge in how to treat them.
Our therapists and sports medicine team here at Fit Quest have many years of experience and expertise in how to rehabilitate this kind of athlete. There are specific programs that are designed in helping you to recover from your injury and getting you back to your sport of choice. When healthy, injury prevention will also be a part of your ongoing program.
Pitching is a very demanding activity and requires special strength and conditioning as well as sound mechanics. We have experts in our field in helping you return to top form and to stay on the field. Proper biomechanics is very important in pitching well and staying healthy. Our team understands the latest science and we are ready to help you become the best pitcher you can be.